The need to filter and decontaminate water will be one of the most crucial challenges facing humankind in the next century. With over 2.1 billion people across the globe lacking access to safe drinking water, safeguarding this natural resource is a worldwide concern. Recent extreme weather events in the U.S. have exposed vulnerabilities in many public water systems, bringing the issue even closer to home. A cleaner future, however, is within our grasp. ERDC’s forward-thinking technologies have made it a world leader in the drive to reclaim, recycle, and purify the Earth’s water supply—and now these same technologies are available to license.
From novel applications of chemical processes, to innovative methods using solar energy to remove contaminants, to the creation of state-of-the-art materials for filtration membranes, ERDC has developed advanced treatments that are on the cutting edge of water purification technology. ERDC is working with private and governmental organizations to put these innovations to work. One especially strong partnership teams ERDC with the EPA and the nonprofit WaterStep. The “WOW Cart”—short for Water on Wheels Emergency Mobile Water Treatment System—is one success born out of this collaboration. This ERDC-inspired modular, mobile water treatment system is poised to revolutionize disaster response. For example, the WOW Cart played a critical role in responding to Hurricane Maria in 2017 and Hurricane Laura in 2020, providing clean water not only for drinking but for cooking, cleaning, and medical triage. Another example of commercial success is the license with Newcomer Arms LLC for the ERDC-created backpack water purifier called the Water Assessment and Purification Toolkit (WAsP) for military and humanitarian customers.
Globally, the markets for water purification applications are on the rise. The water purifier market size is expected to reach USD 65 billion by 2026 and the global electrochlorination systems sector is predicted to grow from USD 340.7 million in 2019 to USD 454.18 million by 2025. Meanwhile, the growing global water testing and analysis market was valued at USD 4.375 million in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 7.119 million by 2028. These impressive forecasts stem in part from the onset of stricter standards for drinking water and wastewater treatment as well as increasing wastewater recycling and reuse.
Many companies will be joining the fight to decontaminate and purify the world’s water supply. Check out ERDC’s technologies below to see how your company might change the world.